Who are we?

We are a central Ohio connection for amazing kids with Type 1 Diabetes and their parents, families, and friends.  The importance of every child with diabetes knowing that they are not alone is one of the greatest gifts we can give them.  Not to mention, being a part of a group where we as parents, caregivers, and friends can know that we are not alone in caring for our children that live with the disease.  I hate to even call it a disease.  These kids are so strong, so happy, so absolutely determined to be KIDS!  So let's get together, have fun, test blood sugars, share stories and advice, and... did I mention have fun? 

Click here for the "Parents of Type 1 Diabetics in the Columbus, Ohio area" Facebook Page


dKids Diabetes Discussion Board


"What a beautiful new website!

I am a Grandmother of the most awesome 3 year old grandson, who in March was diagnosed, and I have first-hand experienced how Juvenile Diabetes can turn your family's world upside down. This new website is fantastic and I hope it will bring ideas, hope and inspiration to those dealing with diabetes.

These kid's are brave and strong and Yes, they want to have Fun!

Love to my Ethan, my wonderful daughter Judy and her husband Jon."

          --"Gigi" Tess

Pumping Pals
Ethan and Rylee at the zoo