
Mason, 4 years old

When Mason was three his sister, Rylee, was diagnosed with diabetes.  Such a little boy, but a big heart.  After coming home from the hospital, Mason held Rylee's hand and sang her songs while she got her shots.  He loves all superheros and in his mommy's mind, he is one himself.

Joe F., diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at 18 months old

I am 23 years old and was diagnosed at 18 months old. I have had the omni pod for 2 years now. I run sports day camps for children and had Ethan in my camp a few weeks ago. Judy invited me to join the site and I was thrilled to learn about it! I would be more than happy to receive emails from you guys or just read posts on here with ANY questions at all. I know I am on the other side of things so I will do the best I can to help, I will also be having my mother (who raised me and took care of me) joining the site. She may be more of a help dealing with the parent side of things!

Drue B., mother of Type 1

I am Joe's mother. Joe was diagnosed at 18 months and is now 23 years old. I am so very proud of him and the young man he has become! And he is MY HERO!  I could tell you stories about when he started preschool with diabetes, and when he went to diabetes camp at age 8, and when he started playing high school sports... and when he left for college. I can assure you that he was much more prepared for all of those transitions than me! Yes, he is still my hero!!! 

Caden & Colten W.

Caden and Colten are cousins to Ethan and best buddies too! Caden(4 yrs old), in particular, has taken an interest in diabetes and has wanted to learn more. He thinks Ethan is very brave that he has to get shots and never even cries! I hope both boys will be of great support to Ethan and other dFriends as they grow up together. It has been a learning experience for all of us and as a family we are committed to gaining knowledge to help support those that have been touched by diabetes!

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