
Ethan, 3 years old

This is Ethan.  He is 3 years old and was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes in March 2011, ten days after his third birthday.  Ethan currently needs to do insulin injections and does about 4-5 of them a day.  He is a super kid and is so brave when it comes to his "silver shots" and "finger pokes".  He has taken an interest in knowing what his blood sugar numbers are and tries to do his own finger pokes even at his age.  He has been able to demo the OmniPod Insulin Pump and has found that he could be comfortable with it, so we shall see!  He isn't shy when it comes to his diabetes and wants other kids to see that he is ok with it.  One thing that has really helped in his adjustment is the book, Super K's Diabetes Superpowers.  It's a wonderful book for young diabetic super heros!  Ethan is our little hero!

Rylee, 5 years old

Rylee was diagnosed two weeks after her 5th birthday on Jan 2nd.  Happy New Year, right?  Rylee is a very energetic and independent girl who has tried to take charge of her diabetes.  Two months after diagnosis she was testing her own blood sugar and giving herself shots.  She just started on the Medtronic pump and loves the freedom it allows her.  She loves gymnastics, swimming, dancing and being a social butterfly.  Rylee is a tough little girl and she hasn't let diabetes slow her down. 

Kendyl, 5 years old

Kendyl was diagnosed at 2 years old. (Full description to be added soon!)

Future dKid, to be added

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